But young people are growing in a time of growing Islamophobia and suspicion of Muslim communities. Young people have a lot to juggle and navigate. Balancing the culture of home, school and friends is tough.
We work to create youth work spaces where young people can explore and celebrate their Muslim cultural identity. We encourage young people to be proud of their identity.
We work with young people in a non-judgmental and non-directive way and help them develop and grow.
During the school holidays we run camps and activities for young people. Each camp is different and focuses on different areas and activities depending on the needs and interests of the young people.
Youth activities for us are about giving young people a chance to learn something new, while having fun with their friends.
Sometimes camps run over a number of days. Sometimes camps are sleepovers with fun, games and lots of learning and thinking.
Keep an eye on our facebook for details of the next Youth Camp
Our Youth girls expressing their feelings about Hijab ban.
This video was made as a part of the movie making course in association with The Clubhouse.